LET 'S GO, KIDS! Greek lesson for children who are learning Greek as a second or as a foreign language

The first systematic and organized Greek Language Course for non native or bilingual children aged 7-12 years from the HELLENIC CULTURE CENTRE! An initiative of teachers specialized in teaching Greek as a second and as a foreign language.

Topics of interest to children (family, home, garden, animals, games, travel, music, technology, fairy tales, sports, celebrations, etc.)

Synchronous and asynchronous meetings: the children meet the teacher once or twice a week in a synchronous Skype meeting, where they practice speaking, reading, and learn about Greek culture. They have access 24/7 to our Moodle educational platform with all learning materials and activities, videos, audios, dictionaries, and other resources. The teacher assigns some homework, but they may also follow their own pace, according to the way they are exposed to Greek and the help they may get from the family: they can read texts,  listen to audio files, work with different activities and games, and watch  selected videos.

Teaching materials focused on the four communication skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and cultural awareness. Development of metacognitive skills.

Sub-sections of each lesson: listening, speaking, reading, writing, painting, singing, playing theater, playing games, learning words, learning grammar and spelling, what I already knew and what I learned in this lesson.

Games interesting and interactive with the use of modern technologies and the use of the internet

Texts specifically written for children living in today's multicultural world

LET 'S GO, KIDS a! (7-9 years old)

LET 'S GO, KIDS b! (10-12 years old)

LET 'S GO, KIDS - Mythology and History (9-13 years old). Explore the most wonderful myths of the world, be familiar with the gods and goddesses, the heroes and heroines of Ancient Greece. Discover the connections of the Greek Mythology with the Modern world through etymology and modern legends and customs.

Tutors: the teachers are philologists with a MA or a PhD who have graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens, and they are trained in teaching online and experienced in teaching Greek as a foreign / second language too.